Air Traffic Consultancy the Netherlands
Providing Air Traffic and Management solutions
Air Traffic Consultancy provides all-round senior Air Traffic & Management advice through a consultancy company. Unlike other consultancy companies, I provide current operational expertise in combination with broad experience and knowledge. The strength and identity of Air Traffic Consultancy is described below.
Born in ATC and raised in ATM
Trained and validated as an air traffic controller, supervisor, competency assessor, CISM Peer, and OJT instructor. This results in extensive (30+ years) operational experience with ATM in a high density, high capacity environment and based on a hub-and-spoke airline operation at a noise-dominated international airport. In addition to operational work, I have previously gained broader ATM knowledge and experience by doing various expert jobs, tasks with international organizations, and finally also a managerial position.
Knowledge extending beyond operational expertise
I have had several tasks besides air traffic controller, as described above. These include; airspace- and procedure design, but also design, development and validation of new operational concepts. Managerial experience and knowledge follows from managing the unit Operations at LVNL. Besides standard managerial tasks, within the management team I was responsible for crisis- and contingency management and responsible for overseeing various technical developments. International knowledge follows from a longterm involvement in IFATCA and CANSO. Leadership roles include Chairing the Technical- and Operations Committee at IFATCA and co-chairing the PBN Sub-Group at CANSO, and still a member of the Steering Group of the Operations Standing Committee. Knowledge of the profession, of management of professionals, but also of the international arena.
Finally, experience with consultancy work is based on cooperation with various consultancy companies on different assignments and for several clients. The assignments include capacity analysis, airspace- and procedure design, ATM strategy development, implementation of Fatigue Risk Management, and operational staffing calculation. In various regions globally.
Speaks the language of Operations
Given my background as an operational controller, operational expert and having been active in the international organization of air traffic controllers, I can safely say that I speak the language of operational colleagues and know the cultural aspects. This results in easier understanding of the issues that stop changes in the system from being implemented, but also helps with discussions on new operational concepts and technology. My advice and reasoning is very operational as well, I have a focus on things that work. Being result-oriented helps with keeping focus on successful implementations. It also helps with making a difference with safer, more efficient and/or more environmentally friendly changes to the system. I believe that having a current operational consultant will help any company with bringing across the picture of working on the best possible solutions with operational experts that 'know the game'.
Good and effective strategy requires shared vision
Any organization that works with professionals benefits from a shared vision. In order to achieve that vision, a good strategy is required, combined with an organizational structure that supports it. My experience with establishing a vision & strategy for the Operations department, with building a Vision & Strategy on PBN with CANSO, with supporting the CANSO Operations Standing Committee Leadership Team, but also in my role as Manager of Operations, provide me with the knowledge needed to support others. A strategy also requires strategic thinking, often on a local, regional and global level. In order to effectively do this, one needs to have oversight and understand the dynamics of a multi actor environment. My experience can contribute to others wanting to make a change, which is not necessarily limited to the aviation community.